renovations, repairs and update ideas for your home

Freezing Weather Issues To Watch For With Your Septic System

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Harsh winter weather and sub-zero temperatures are tough on your home’s plumbing system, particularly if you have your own septic tank. Making sure you don’t have problems during a deep freeze is imperative if you want your plumbing to stay in good working order throughout the cold spell and beyond. The following guide will help you understand the types of issues you can encounter. Drain Field Damage Extremely low temperatures can cause the drain field to freeze.…

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Planning Your Backyard Makeover? 4 Questions To Ask Yourself While Planning Your New Deck

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If you’re going to be adding a deck to your home, now’s the time to start planning the details. In addition to choosing the right location for your deck, you’ll also need to consider a few additional details. Here are four questions you’ll need to ask yourself while you’re planning your new deck. 1. DIY or Contractor? When it comes to planning a deck, you need to decide if it will be a DIY project, or if you’ll be hiring a contractor.…

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Own A Roofing Company? 2 Tips To Help Grow Your Business

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Owning a roofing company can be a very rewarding experience. Working for yourself and dealing with the clients that you select lends a lot of power and independence. Whether you are just starting out or if you have been in the business for some time and want to boost your profits there are always things you can do to reach the next level. When you are ready to grow your business and start making the kind of money that you’ve always dreamed of the following tips can help you reach your goals.…

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