renovations, repairs and update ideas for your home

Steps To Take With A Broken Home Window

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Coming home to find a window broken is never a positive experience. Here are some steps to remedy the issue. Take Stock Hopefully, your broken window is due to an accident, such as an errant baseball flying through the window. But if you suspect that’s not the case, your immediate goal is to document everything that is out of place in your home. That includes, first of all, the items that are missing.…

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Remodeling The Guesthouse Bathroom For Elderly Visitors

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Owning a property with a guesthouse presents a wonderful opportunity to invite senior members of your family and friends circle to come stay awhile. You and your children will get to spend time with grandparents, uncles and aunts, and older folks who have become good friends. In return, your visitors get to enjoy your company, and when they need quiet time or sleep they can retire to the guesthouse for rest and relaxation.…

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Need To Cool Your New (Old) Office? What Are Your Options?

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If you’ve recently rented or leased office space in a historic building, you may find yourself (and your staff) suffering through stifling afternoons as your building’s outdated air conditioner struggles to keep up with the heat. In other cases, your building may lack modern air conditioning entirely, leaving you with few options if your lease agreement prevents you from making permanent or structural modifications to your working space..What can you do to provide instant relief without violating your lease agreement?…

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